+ Intellectual Property

  • In today’s fast paced business world, protecting your IP is more important than ever


  • A patent is a grant from the U.S. government that provides the inventor a limited monopoly to make, use and sell their invention.
  • Our patent related services include patent searches, provisional patent applications, utility patents, design patents, patent licensing and patent litigation.

Trademarks / Service Marks

  • A trademark/service mark is a word, phrase, symbol or combination of these things that is used to indicate the source of a good or a service.
  • Trademarks are applied to goods, and service marks are applied to services.
  • Trademarks/Service marks play an integral part in branding a good or a service.
  • Our trademark services include trademark clearance searches, trademark application prosecution, trademark contest, trademark licensing and trademark litigation.


  • Copyrights protect creative expression. This includes familiar forms such as books, music, movies, paintings, and sculpture.
  • Creative expression also includes less familiar forms such as software, firmware, eproms.
  • Copyright services include copyright registration, copyright litigation, copyright licensing.
  • We also assist authors and artists software developers and other copyright owners with contracts related to their creative works.

Trade Secrets

  • A trade secret is information that has commercial value - because it is secret.
  • Trade secrets last as long as the valuable information remains secret. This means that if you have a trade secret, you must treat it like a secret, and take reasonable measures to ensure it remains secret.
  • Trade secrets have traditionally been protected under state law. However, with the enactment of the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016, there is now a federal law that protects trade secrets from misappropriation.

+ Federal and State Administrative Proceedings

  • We are experienced litigators and regularly appear in state and federal court.
  • We have experience in administrative litigation at the state and federal levels.
  • We are admitted to practice before all Florida State Courts, all Florida Federal District Courts, the United States Court of Claims, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeal.

+ Political committees, Elections Law, and Compliance

  • Our experience includes Bill Hollimon's service as the Vice Chairman of the Florida Elections Commission, and Loranne Ausley's service as an elected Member of the Florida House of Representatives.
  • We provide a full range of services related to elections law, political committees, and elections law compliance.
  • We establish, support, and maintain candidate affiliated and general political committees in Florida.

+ Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDD) and Franchise Agreements

  • Franchise agreements are regulated by both federal and state governments.
  • We provide all services to protect franchisors and franchisees, including franchise agreements and franchise disclosure documents.

+ Mediation

  • Bill Hollimon is a certified civil mediator.

+ Civil Litigation

  • We are experienced litigators and regularly appear in both state and federal court.
  • Our practice includes complex commercial litigation, intellectual property litigation, and class action lawsuits
  • We are admitted to practice before all Florida State Courts, all Florida Federal District Courts, the United States Court of Claims, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeal.